Yesterday was our son Bradley's birthday. I didn't post about it yesterday, because I worked and then it was Date Night. But I didn't want to forget sharing a little about this amazing son of mine.
Brad was our 2nd child and he was born 3 years after his sister Amy. He and Amy were always be great friends. He (like Amy) from the time he was little... loved to draw, and they used to watch a drawing show each day. Now years later, this handsome son of ours, is a Graphic Designer for BRAVE THE WOODS, you can look at his work HERE:
Glad to see that he put all that drawing and sketching to good use! Now he is doing what he loves everyday! I could only wish that for all my kids, and for all of my family actually.
He is married to his best friend and together they have just bought their first HOME in Texas.
Brad just became a new Father again. He now has Miss Oakley Ann in his arms. He loves being a Dad and it is sweet to watch him with his family!.
He also the Father of Kai, who is truly his shadow. He is a sweet little man and loves to be anywhere his Daddy is!
Brad along with my other kids have been encouraging me to start teaching my Quilting and Sewing Classes online. It has been so fun watching all of them helping me develop my own business called... LynnMade. He got me this necklace when I was in Texas last week. It has a button, ruler, scissors and pearls on it. He said it was a congratulations for finally starting LynnMade! How fitting!

Happy Birthday dear Bradley!
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