Today started out early when I went to a friend's house for an Estate Sale. I have been to Estate Sales before...only one or two. But never to an Estate Sales of a dear friend, it was tough to watch everyone just go through their if they were just junk! I caught myself wanting to buy it all... so that their stuff didn't go to strangers but by someone who knew and loved them.
After that I went to my friend's funeral. It was truly a celebration of her life and to hear from her children and grandchildren through a song...was inspiring and touching to say the least.
Here are some of the notes that I took as her children talked, so many of us left the funeral...inspired and wanting to be a better person. That is the life of an amazing person!
First her 3 daughters spoke they said...
...Our Mother had a life of abuse but she broke the cycle and created her home to be a Safe Haven for them. And she also raised a family of children who loved the Lord and knew how to keep covenants to the Lord.
...She was determined to go to college and graduate, she was the first in her family.
...She became an attorney and was one who was adamant on protecting children.
...She taught us to always focus on finding the good in people.
...She was all about service to others!
...She shared with us her love and testimony of the Savior, which was evident in her everyday life.
...She made us who we are...because of her love.
...She was the greatest example to us!
Her son who spoke near the end said that he had a dream over a year ago...where his Mother died. He woke up crying and said it really shook him to the core... to think that anything would happen to his Mom. So he decided to write down
10 Principles and Lessons that his Mom taught him.
1.HOW TO WRITE...He said when other kids got in trouble they probably got put in time out or got spanked. But in their case, his Mother made them write a paper about whatever it was that they did. He said he remember well writing a 3 page letter on Honesty...but couldn't remember what he did :) He said that his Mom said "it was their OPPORTUNITY " to learn from the mistake they made. And why they shouldn't do it again!
2. RESPECT, CHARITY, GRATITUDE and SERVICE...she made us write Thank You notes for everything and to everyone. Teaching us how important every type of service was.
3. HOW TO COOK... she always took the opportunity to let us cook with her. Dinner time was valuable to her.
4.WHAT CONVERSION REALLY MEANS..she shared how she became to know about the church and what that meant to her. She always told us how grateful she was for the knowlege that she recieved. She also shared her testimony of Forever Families with them.
5.HOW TO SET A TABLE... Mom was particular about how to do that, and through that I learned alot about how important it is to pay attention to detail. Plus, that crossed over to details about being OBEDIENT.
6. HOW TO ARGUE...she was stubborn, but that made her an effective Attorney. It has benefited many children throughout her life.
7. HOW TO TREAT YOUR SPOUSE...because of the hard life she had lived as a child, she was determined not to ever marry. But when she met and fell in love with my Dad, she said it was her greatest gift. She always told us how blessed she was... to be married to him. Their love for each other was a great example to us! In her wedding band Dad had it engraved with the words
"You are the perfect one for me "
8. HOW TO FORGIVE..You would have to know the life my Mother before.. to truly understand how teaching us to forgive was such a big deal. But to talk about her life isn't appropriate here... but let me tell you, she taught us all how to overcome things and to forgive not matter what.
9. was evident in everything she did. She always taught us to serve and give to Others. She taught us by example! She was a Christlike Example to us and others.
10. ALWAYS AND FOREVER... It was a children's book she always read to us, about a Mother's love. And she always ended all of our conversations or her letters or cards to us by saying she loved us always and forever. This principle taught us that she knew we could be a Forever Family if we live a righteous and obedient life. My Mother knew there was life after this, she bore that testimony to us always.
And because of her and my Dad, I know she will ALWAYS AND FOREVER, be my MOM!
One of the hymns we love to hear is... I KNOW THAT MY REDEEMER LIVES because the words are a testament of our chance to live again too!
"To all who have lost loved ones, we would turn Job’s question to an answer: If a man die, he shall live again. We know, for we have the light of revealed truth. “I am the resurrection, and the life,” spoke the Master. “He that believeth in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live: And whosoever liveth and believeth in me shall never die.” 20
Through tears and trials, through fears and sorrows, through the heartache and loneliness of losing loved ones, there is assurance that life is everlasting. Our Lord and Savior is the living witness that such is so.
With all my heart and the fervency of my soul, I lift up my voice in testimony as a special witness and declare that God does live. Jesus is His Son, the Only Begotten of the Father in the flesh. He is our Redeemer; He is our Mediator with the Father. He it was who died on the cross to atone for our sins. He became the firstfruits of the Resurrection. Because He died, all shall live again. “Oh, sweet the joy this sentence gives: ‘I know that my Redeemer lives!’” 21 May the whole world know it and live by that knowledge..." ~Thomas S. Monson
I left this sweet friend's funeral with a determination to
... write more letters to my children so that always know that I love them and what I hope for them
... to take more photos with them ( so that we have memories saved together ) send more gifts to my chidren and grandchildren ( so that they will have something as a reminder of how much I love them ) a tangable gift of my love! be more forgiving look more for the good in others
...and to tell Jeff and my kids and grandkids more often...just how much I love them!
...and to be a better Mother,Grandmother, Wife, Sister and Friend!
So you can imagine now why my day was so tough. I haven't really accomplised anything and everything makes me cry. It hits too close to home for me, and it makes life seem even more precious.
Good night dear friends! I truly love and appreciate each of you!