I am so excited about the beautiful weather. There is a bit of crispness in the air in the mornings and evenings now. I feels like fall is coming. I was grateful today that I was able to go to church. I know that I say that each week but...when you have had to miss it so many times like I have, you really appreciate each time you get to go.
Now I am soooooooooo tired I think I am going to finish this in the morning.
Well, so much for yesterdays entry. I sat down and started falling asleep so I just decided to do it this morning. I really enjoyed the topic yesterday at church and thought that I would share some of those points with you. It is always great things to think about. The topic was ADVERSITY and I know that I speak about this a lot... but I do think there is something that we learn more about on this topic, especially since it effects all of us.
A difficulty or hardship to help teach us and prepare us for the future.
Key word is POTENTIAL - Adversity has potential Sometimes we need to remember that God gave us some of these trials and hardships to teach us, some we bring on ourselves through sin and poor choices. The point is, that it's sad to think that instead of learning and growing from these adversities in our lives, that we would merely tolerate them or just give up. Then the speaker read this quote...
"I do not believe that sheer suffering teaches. If suffering alone taught, all the world would be wise, since everyone suffers. To suffering must be added mourning, understanding, patience, love, openness and the willingness to remain vulnerable."
~ Anne Morrow Lindbergh
From this quote we understand that it is important to change our perspective about our trials and hardships. We need to realize the potential they have to teach us. We need to change it to see what we need to learn from them, we need to think of ADVERSITY as a TOOL! Just like any tool in your garage you need to do this with it...
1. Declare it as yours, you need to own it
2. Learn how to use it (that is really an important)
3.Learn all you can about it
4.Learn how this tool can help and benefit your life
5. Understand how this tool can help and benefit others
"Don’t look for a life virtually free from discomfort, pain, pressure, challenge, or grief, for those are the tools a loving Father uses to stimulate our personal growth and understanding." ~ Richard G. Scott
Yes adversity can help us to become more compassionate, it allows us to look at life through a totally different perspective. It helps us to become more seasoned and mature. Yes, our problems have great potential to help us, just like the tools we own, let's remember to put them to good use.
Have a great day!