Along with Motherhood sometimes comes the WORRY part of your heart. I worried if I knew what each cry meant, it didn't seem to be something that I knew right away. I wondered if most Mother's got the handbook ( that everyone thinks comes automatically when you become a Mother ), but since I had a C-section, maybe someone forgot to give me mine. But when Amy cried, everyone including Jeff would always ask me what was wrong with her? I remember thinking to myself, "I have no idea, no one gave me the handbook!"
Some of you might ask when I finally figured out what she was crying about or needed? Well, I don't remember the exact day, but gradually, after a lot of prayer and tears... I slowly and instinctively knew what she needed. And each child after that just got easier and quicker to learn about. So yes, Motherhood is a life long process and the prayers and tears never really end. You pray for their safety, you pray that the world will be kind to them, you pray for good friends for them, you pray for them to make the right choices and on and on. The tears come with each success, whether it is a first step, a new tooth, being potty trained and some tears come with skinned knees, broken hearts and leaving home for the first time. So yes, the heart has to really be in shape to handle being a Mother.
Amy continues to be our happy child, even though she is a grown woman. It is rare to see her down, she makes almost anything in life more fun with her laughter and her smile. She like the other kids when they grew up, became our friends too...what a blessing that has been. So grateful Amy came into our family30 years ago today, and even though I still have the scar to prove it...we wouldn't trade her for the world!
Happy Birthday Amy Girl! You make me smile!