Thursday, April 25, 2013


I just found this poster and quote below.
I have to put this quote on my mirror sometime. This poster also reminds me of how good my life is, and that many have it much worse. So it helps me redirect my self pity thoughts. I do believe it though, some of the hardest trials in life is what makes us who we need to be. 
Today was a tough day, for the last couple of days I have been in a lot of pain with my back. Jeff and I took a different route on our walking the other night and the way home had a bit of an incline ( not much to most NORMAL people ) but it was more than I am used to. I sorta knew by the time we got home that I might be in trouble. I really hurt the next day and even threw up from the pain. Darn it... I hate when one little things throws me off like that. I have been struggling since that IME appointment I had with the insurance, and that chiropractor was so rough on me. I am so frustrated!!!
 Had to get to the Physical Therapist today and the Doctor too... for some pain patches ( I have never tried them, hope they work ) to get the pain under control. I came home after those appointments and just went to bed. What a day... definitely Bigger Than Me. But once again I will look at this poster and remember to keep it all in perspective. Baby steps, over and over again!
Good night dear friends!

 "Hope is the thing with feathers, that perches in the soul, and sings the tune without the words, and never stops at all."  ~ Emily Dickinson

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