I have always been about making connections with people. Life just seems to be wasted, if we all go about our daily lives and never take the time out to connect with each other. To really get to know them, to know their troubles and their joys. I think it can give us great wisdom when we take the time to learn from each other. A dear friend of mine brought me a book today and it is about this very subject... "ordinary" people, and their defining moments in their lives. Their hard times and good, their laughter, tears, and regrets; tender scenes, turning points, and private triumphs.
Today was day 10 for me. I finally have been able to meet a few of the women that are there with me every day. They schedule the appointments so that there isn't a lot of people waiting in the waiting room. One lady who I think I had mentioned meeting before, came up to me today and told me good bye. This was her last treatment. She had a Radical Double Mastectomy and so she had to come in twice a day for treatments. See... it really doesn't take long to find someone worse off than we are! I noticed her the first week I was there, she was bubbly and greeted everyone with a smile. She told me her birthday was yesterday and she turned 67 ! Then she said and I expect to have at least 20 more good years to go! I was amazed at her courage and positive attitude, I think that is what it takes to endure Cancer and keep living. I know some days she came in discouraged and tired but more often than not, she tried to keep a smile on her face and see how everyone else was doing. What a great example to me she was. I will miss her smile and courage. I pray that she will have at least 20 more GOOD YEARS ahead of her!
After my treatment the nurse asked me to do some blood work to check on my iron and Vitamin D levels. They are a bit concerned why I am so tired ...already! That was one of my concerns when I came into this whole treatment, because of my mono I was already tired! I had a call out to my Doctor at the Seattle Cancer and Wellness Center today. I waited for her call but twice I missed her. Maybe tomorrow we can reconnect. I wanted to ask her advice on what else I could put on my skin to protect it since it is already getting red and tender and also to send all my supplement list to my Radiation Oncologist, so he could see what I am taking and what it is suppose to do. I don't really know that he wants that information or even believes in any of that, but I thought it would be good for him to have. I am always amazed that someone wouldn't want to know or study about something more natural that is good for you and doesn't have the scary side effects. Wouldn't that be worth the effort?
Well, I need to head to bed but just wanted to thank you for your friendship and example to me. Being connected to many of you ...has taught me many wonderful lessons, given me great courage and a desire to have 20 or more good years to come! Happy Birthday to that dear stranger who took time to connect with me, during her journey with Cancer!
"A strong woman has faith that she is strong enough for the journey…but a woman of strength has faith that it is in the journey that she will be strong."
"The more you care, the stronger you can be" ______ Jim Rohn
"The best way out is always through." _______ Robert Frost
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