Saturday, February 14, 2009

Friday is finally here

Well, for some reason this week seemed longer than usual, not sure if that is because I am so tired or what but I was glad to wake up and realize it's Friday. Today was my 18th treatment, I forgot to ask the nurse some questions about my skin but I will meet the Doctor on Monday. I am doing ok though, I think? My dear friend came and took me to my appointment and then took me to do an errand. I am so amazed at how many true Angel friends I have. I read a quote the other day that went like this "HE WHO PUSHES YOU CLOSER TO GOD, HE IS YOUR FRIEND"  ( OR SHE) ___Thomas S. Monson I do believe that is true and that also means I have MANY TRUE FRIENDS!

I need to go lay down so that I have the energy to go on my date night with Jeff. I wish I had more to say but I am soooooooooooo tired. Thanks for all  you do!

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