Sunday, January 18, 2009

For everything there is a season

We took down Christmas decorations yesterday, it is never as fun taking it down as it is putting it up. Why is that? I imagine it is because when we are putting up the Christmas decorations we are also anticipating what the season will bring. We are excited for it and can hardly wait till that day arrives. But I thought yesterday when I was taking down the decorations that instead of being sad, I need to remember what we learned and enjoyed from this past Christmas season. It was a different Christmas for us in many ways ,but still we had wonderful experiences and memories of 2008. It was a different SEASON all together... but one that we did learn and grow from.

Now I look at my house and it seems like we are preparing to move or something, the walls and shelves look bare. I now need to decorate it for the next SEASON. Many of you that have been into my home know that I love to celebrate and decorate for almost every SEASON, that is true. I have always believed that each one holds something exciting and so I get our home prepared for it.

I am grateful that the next SEASON to decorate for is Valentine's Day!  LOVE...who couldn't use a bit more of that in their lives? This year seems even more special to me, because I am still here, still able to be with the ones that I love, and because I know that I am loved and what my purpose here is! That makes anything that I am going through just a whole lot easier.

I like this quote...


I need to remember to be happy about this SEASON of my life, this is my time to heal, to refill my bucket and to understand what is the next thing that I need to do in my life? I need to make the best of the next 2 months as I  begin radiation. I need to stay focused and believe that I can make it through this. I need to not expect too much from myself in the next little while and understand that it is ok. I need to remember that maybe someone else there, who is receiving treatment needs me and my friendship. I need to remember that there may be someone there, that I need to learn from or have as my friend. So this will be my SEASON to know myself better, to remember how to take better care of myself, to heal and to be excited for... many more SEASONS of my life.

  In the bible we read  Eccl. 3:1 To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under...heaven 

I hope we all can remember to be excited for the SEASON that we are in right now. Thank you for the difference you have made in my life!

"Circumstances or people can take away your material possessions, they can take away your money, and they can take away your health. But no one can ever take away your precious memories... So, don't forget to make time and take opportunities to make memories everyday. To everything there is a season and a time to every purpose under heaven."


Shannon said...

I loved this post.


And you sound so good, although I love your honestly as well when you are not having a good day. both feelings come into play in a situation like this.

My mother-in-law too decorates for every season, and I love it.

I feel like I haven;t been able to really TALK with you lately. but I'm praying, and thinking of you, and following your blog daily!

Love you Lynn

Carolyn Cox said...

Oh how I wish I could be in your home to help you decorate! I remember how warm and inviting your home always was. I sure miss it. I love ya, and I sure love reading your blog. It helps keep me up to date with what is going on at home. Love ya