Friday, March 18, 2016

She said YES!

Our youngest son Lee proposed to his girlfriend Caitlin tonight in Idaho. He worked long and hard to make it look just picture perfect. And with the help of his talented sister Lauren ( the photographer ), and many of his friends, you can see for yourself...I think he accomplished it!
How exciting, our last kid is getting married, hard to believe he has grown up so fast!

 He even made the ring box with the help of Lauren and his friend!
 The mood lighting was beautiful!
I think she was surprised and happy!

Printable Wedding Sign And so the adventure by MishmashofLove:


us said...

Congratulations to Lee! Such a beautiful setting he put together. Your whole family is gifted with the artistic gene.

(And you and I do lead parallel lives...our youngest son, and last child got engaged last month too!)


Brian Zhou said...

Amazing work! Congrats!