Saturday, May 11, 2013

Watching her grow!

 Today we celebrated  Angie's 7th Birthday! How did she grow up so fast? Just seems like yesterday we were at the hospital welcoming her into the world and now she is already 7 years old and has two sisters. One of which was just born 2 weeks ago...Miss Audrey Jane. And yes, she is another red head too!
 Angie is an artist, she is kind, very compassionate and really wants to do the right things. She loves dolphins and so that is what the theme is for her friend birthday party. Lucky for Angie that she has such an artistic Aunt Lauren, who could draw her invites. How cool would that be to have your own cartoon drawing of you doing something that you love or would love to do...swim with dolphins!  She actually loves dinosaurs, any type of bugs and sea or water creatures. You could tell her love for animals if you could see how many stuffed animals she has! She has a great imagination and she is really starting to read a lot, that has been fun to see her actually read her Birthday cards this year!
 What a joy to watch her grow up, for now she still loves coming to Nana's for Sleep Overs and I hope she still will for many years to come. I feel so blessed this Mother's Day to have not only 4 amazing kids but also 4 amazing Grandchildren!
Well good night dear friends!
" Sometimes the smallest things take up the most room in your heart!"

  "Play is often talked about as if it were a relief from serious learning. But for children play is serious learning. Play is really the work of childhood."  ~ Fred Rogers

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