Wednesday, June 9, 2010

My story

I have only started reading some of the stories in the new book that I got called... Chicken Soup for the Writer's Soul, but I like it so far. I have already found something to not only underline but remember, it is a quote by Ted Sturgeon..."IT DOESN'T MATTER WHAT YOU WRITE, WHAT YOU BELIEVE WILL SHOW THROUGH".  I like that. Every time I have even thought about writing a book, I have wondered if what I was writing would be something someone would want to read, or that would interest them? I would often find myself comparing my writing abilities or lack of, with those who had already published books. It is funny how much time can be spent comparing and less time just doing what we know we need to do.

Someone asked me the other day "Lynn, what do you want to do more than anything else?" "Find where your passion is and follow it". I have thought and thought about that a lot lately, let's see I want to...

I want to... have a business for my RECNAC GIFTS. That would include me designing gift for cancer patients and their families. Gifts that would not only help them heal, but ones that would encourage them to have hope. (We are just getting this one started too...

I  want to... create more cards, for any one out there that is going through tough times, I want these cards to be uplifting and inspirational. ( we have already started this dream too...

I want to... do more motivational speaking.

I want to more with the Patient Advocate people at the hospital, to ensure the patients would have the right amount of knowledge that they need about their cancers, and the proper treatments given to them.

I want to... design more gifts for Grandmothers.

I want to... do a blog or write a book on favorite things to do with your grandchildren.

I want to... spend as much time as I can with my children and grandchildren, creating incredible memories.

I want to... be a better wife and companion to Jeff ( I guess that means I need to start riding on his motorcycle with him more? ).

I want to... take yoga, water color and quilting classes.

I want to... volunteer at the Children's Hospital.

I want to... create more gifts for children, one's that would encourage them to not be afraid of things and to help give them courage. ( We have started on this one already...I will be able to give you the blog address on this, soon)

I want to... be able to share my testimony of Christ with everyone, especially those who have none, so they could have more hope and peace in their lives.

I want to... write a book about my life's experiences as a cancer survivor.

I want to... write a book about my life's experiences as a Mother.

I want to... write a book about life's lessons.

I want to... learn more ways to strengthen your immune system so that it will fight off diseases, such as cancer. Then I would love to make sure that information would be available to every person out there, ever diagnosed with cancer.

I want to... continue to counsel and help victims of abuse to help them become survivors.

I want to... work out at a gym and be able to get some of my strength and mobility back.

I want to... able to serve more and be sick less.

I want to... be able to create more things for my family and friends.

Ok, maybe this is why this person asked me this question? I bet he could tell by our conversation that I had way too many things I wanted to do but yet, I needed to pick the one that I really wanted to do and the one that I was most passionate about. I guess I am still struggling with this question? I think I need to remember like I said before ...there is a time and season for everything. I have to take in account what my physical limitations are right now and what I actually have energy to do. I will probably continue to do some of each of them, or at least most of them. But I also realize that my heart keeps coming back to my book. I need to write my book. I would love to do more than that but some of them, I just don't have the health and strength to do right now. I am thankful that I can continue writing my blog and writing my book, I do believe someone out there needs to read my book, it is probably me?. And so I will continue in that direction.

"When you write from the heart, you not only light the dark path of your readers, you light  your own way as well."  ~ Marjorie Holmes

" When you speak, your words echo only across the room or down the hall. But when you write, your words echo down the ages."    ~ Bud Gardner

"Words are clothes that thoughts wear."  ~Samuel Butler

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