I got a call tonight from a dear friend who had some bad news to share with me. As I listened I could feel my heart aching for them and their family. Since our family had been through a similar experience this past year, I knew some of what they were feeling. No one feels the exact same or has the same things happen in life but I knew enough, that they are going to have a tough road ahead and I prayed that something that I said might have given them hope, peace or help in any way. This particular friend and their family have a great faith in the Savior Jesus Christ. I feel like, no matter what comes their way... because of that strong believe and faith, they will make it. I know that when I say that I will keep them in my prayers, that they realize the magnitude of such a simple act.
Yes, the world continues to have sadness and suffering in but it also has much happiness and joy too! I love this quote that I read the other day, I used it in my motivational speech in Indiana a week ago. I think if we can remember what this quote says, and gain our strength and comfort from the Savior that indeed we will be able to not only handle what comes our way, but grow from it also.
"We know not what lies ahead of us. We know not what the coming days will bring. We live in a world of uncertainty. For some, there will be great accomplishment. For others, disappointment. For some, much of rejoicing and gladness, good health, and gracious living. For others, perhaps sickness and a measure of sorrow. We do not know. But one thing we do know. Like the polar star in the heavens, regardless of what the future holds, there stands the Redeemer of the world, the Son of God, certain and sure as the anchor of our immortal lives. He is the rock of our salvation, our strength, our comfort, the very focus of our faith." ~ Gordon B. Hinckley
"Faith is to believe what we do not see; the reward of this faith is to see what we believe." ~ Saint Augustine
I hope and pray that each of us will try to think of someone who needs our faith and prayers. Prayer is powerful and it changes lives! Thanks to each of you who have prayed for me and my family, we needed it, we felt it and we are grateful for them. Good night dear friends!
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