Yesterday was a really busy day as I tried to get things ready to go on my trip. I thought that I had everything ready but then I am not sure that is possible for a mom. I try to think of everything they might need while I am gone. I used to make dinners and put them in the freezer so that they would have home cooked meals but then I found out the truth, they never ate them and never really intended to. :) Of course I really haven't felt much like cooking at all, but still I think that is just the mom in me that wanted everything ready to leave.
In order to go I had to set up a few appointments which ended up taking most of my day yesterday. I was grateful to see my doctor before I left. I haven't felt very well and I appreciate that he wanted to help all that he could before I let on my trip. He asked me to do a couple of things before I left and so as soon as I got home I left messages to set up appointments for this morning.
So before 8:00am, I went to the lab and had blood work taken to see where my E.B.V levels are. He is still concern that I may have mono, no body even really checked it after me getting diagnosed with Cancer. Then he wanted me to have chest x-rays to see for sure that my pnuemonia is gone. I didn't have time to do that before I left but I did go like he asked to see my oncologist to make sure that it was lymphodemia that I have in my arm pit and chest wall. The doctor said, it probably is but because it is more unusual, he would feel better if I was diagnosed by a oncologist, instead of a Physical Therapist. So I did that today and yes, my PT was right, it is lymphodemia and the oncologist, made it sound more common than anyone else. I guess my complaint is ...why didn't someone tell me that this was a possibility! So after that appointment I went to my last one which was to the Chiropractor and made sure everything was back in place before I left.
So after I set and went to every appointment then I was ready to GO on my mini vacation. I flew to Utah today so that I can be at my niece's wedding on Friday. The trip went well and I made it here safe and sound. Right after I arrived at my sister-in-law's house then we headed off to my niece's Bridal Shower. It was fun to see so many of my niece's and their sweet kids.
Now please be patient with me, this is not my computer and I am not sure how to use it a 100%.
Thank you so much for always supporting me and encouraging me to get up every time that I fall. This has truly been a tough journey, pain is a very hard road to walk down. I pray that the blood tests will give us information to see why I can't get rid of this fatigue? As far as the soreness, I believe that is something that is going to be there for a while and I will have to learn to manage.
So I will close with my cute niece's (who is sitting right beside me) poem that she wrote this year in college. I need to head to bed, this trip was a bit tooooooo much but ....I am grateful that I was able to come and take a break and see family and friends.
The day sighs as night appears
Those sparkles that dance in the black
I lay in awe wishing, wanting
For things in life I may lack
I stretch out my hand, scanning the horizon
Connect the dots to pass time away
Until in one moment a burst of energy
Fly’s across the sky and falls in shame
If great things fall, how can they be so great?
Was it shooting? Did someone shoot it down?
An epiphany struck my mind
There is a heavenly lesson to be found
At times we may fall, never knowing why
Our future is not drawn out on a line
We have a bright potential and if we fall
So be it, for a shooting star still shines.
-Bethany Johnson
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