The truth is I just keep trying, but I am learning at the same time. So I guess I am LEARNING FROM LIFE!
The other day when I was in the hospital waiting for friend of mine to get out of surgery, the nurse handed me a piece of paper and this is what it said...
We are pleased to provide (this hospitals ) patient tracking system, as a convenient way for you to follow the progress of a patient through surgery. You will be given a unique identification number for the patient you are assisting today. ( We use numbers instead of names to protect patient privacy.) Look for this identification number on the monitor in the waiting area, and check the color code next to the number. The color code will allow you to know at all times where your patient is in the surgical process.
Yellow...Check In
Light Blue...Procedure in progress
Dk Blue...Closing to recovery
Purple...PACU / Recovery
Pink...Secondary recovery
Grey...Complete and ready for family
I liked knowing where and my friend was at during the surgery but it actually made me think... if there is something like this tracking system on the other side? Are our loved ones watching our progress here on earth, are they rooting for us and praying that everything comes out ok? So I thought if there was such a tracking system on the other side it would probably look like this.
Yellow...Check in / We are born
Green...Pre- op / that's where they get you all prepared for your procedure. This could be our childhood and basic truths that we were taught and learned.(Parents example vital!)
Light Blue... Procedure in progress / Life is in progress. There are certain things that are suppose to happen in our life, some of which are suppose to try us, or make us stronger. I vote for the later!
Now the next 3 colors are Dk Blue, Purple and Pink... these all have to do with different stages of the patient's recovery. How true, I think we go along, do the best we can...and still we will have very challenging tests or trials to recover from.When our life is over, and when we have completed our mission here on earth then... I believe we are ready for family and friends on the other side.
Anyway, it really did make me think how important it is to continually pray to know what to do and then go an do it!!!!
If our family really is looking down on us, I hope they will be pleased with the progress we are trying to make. Sometimes life is just hard. But there is always a lessons to be learned from all this living that we call Life!!!!
"Life is about trusting our feelings, taking chances, losing and finding happiness, appreciating the memories, and learning from the past." ~ Unknown
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