I thought about this whole experience today when I saw a flyer from a natural food store. On the front of one page it had cute little kids Trick or Treating, and under it said.... Candy worth celebrating. Then it had this something like this written under it... Halloween just got sweeter thanks to organic lollipops and gummy bears. These lollipops are made with real fruit extract and contains no chemical colors , artificial flavors or high frutose corn syrup. Our gummy bears and spooky gummy spiders have natural flavors and 100 percent Vitamin C per serving.
I am not sure why this made me smile, but it did. I think it is because now the kids will tell you all the horror stories about how different they felt when I brought in natural treats while everyone else ate junk. Even when I write that... I want to say " wasn't that a good thing that I did or was at least trying to do? " Weird, just when you think you are doing your best as a Mother...you find out different. Well, I still believe that some day when all my kids are parents, that they too might see the wisdom in being very cautious about what they put in their kids little bodies! It may not seem like a big deal when you are young but when you are the Mother and Father... things look a bit more serious and important when you realize you are the ones teaching them healthy or not so healthy food habits. Motherhood is really much harder than it looks!
So this Halloween, try and explain to your kids why you are giving them the more natural candy... then say "it's candy worth celebrating! " They may even look at you like this photo below ... but that is ok, you are just trying to do what is best for them! Good night dear friends!

"When you are a mother, you are never really alone in your thoughts. A mother always has to think twice, once for herself and once for her child." -Sophia Loren
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