I have heard my whole life that if you are hurting, frustrated or depressed...the best thing you can do is serve someone else. In doing so we forget (for maybe only a minute or so) our problems, pains and frustrations. It gives us a clearer view on life and it's true meaning.
I have always loved the Bible, I love reading and learning more about Christ and the type of life that He lived. I never have to wonder really what to do or say, because He simply has already shown us the way! One of my favorite scriptures is in the book of St. John 13:4-9, 15-17. It is where Christ washes the feet of his disciples. The disciples of course feel that they are not worthy for Him to do that. Knowing who He was, they felt like they should be the one giving the service to Him. His response in these verses is what I love the most. He told them that He was doing it as an example for them. He reminded them that the servant is not great then his Lord; neither he that is sent greater than he that sent him. He also reminded them that it was important to know these things but more important... to do them!
"Only a life lived for others is a life worthwhile." ~Albert Einstein
Last night Lauren and I went over and gave Amy a foot massage and a pedicure (since she can't reach her feet). I know that she felt a bit uncomfortable with us serving her like that. I probably would have felt the same. She kept mentioning how bad her feet looked and how embarrassed she was at how swollen they were. She obviously was struggling with our gift to her. That is what was running through her head but I have to admit, my thoughts were much different.
I have been in a lot of pain the past few weeks with my back ( for some reason, worse than normal ) I am also having some pain and worrying about my swelling in my surgery site ( lymphodemia ) but I was so excited and forgot all about that, when I realized that we could do this gift of service for Amy last night. Yes, my back and chest still hurt, but what I was thinking sitting down there on the floor last night, was how proud I was of my daughter. How much I loved her and if I could in any way help her to relax, feel better and more loved... then I was determined to do it. I rubbed her swollen feet and I remembered ( years ago ) rubbing lotion on her little dry feet in the hospital, just after she was born. How proud I was of her last night for being brave and strong, pregnancy and especially the last few weeks....are not easy thing! I was glad to be her mom, I truly love her and would do that and anything else to serve her. And I was happy doing it! ( Sore, and still hurting, but happy!) I was grateful for an hour or so, to be able to think of something and someone else.
I hope we will all think of more ways that we can serve, I promise you it will ALWAYS make you feel better inside! Thank you to each of you that have served me and my family throughout the years
"Things don’t have to be good for you to be great." ~ unknown
"Nobody made a greater mistake than he who did nothing because he could do only a little." ~ Edmund Burke
"I expect to pass through life but once. If, therefore, there be any kindness I can show, or any good thing I can do to any fellow being, let me do it now and not defer or neglect it, for I shall not pass this way again"~ William Penn
I couldn't agree with you more today. I appreciate your daily reminders of the Lord's tender mercies. I look forward to seeing you in a few more weeks!
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