Thursday, July 9, 2009

Christmas in July

I heard on the radio the other day a disc-jockey that said some of your first memories, could tell you about your future. When he would interview people and asked them their earliest childhood memory, he then would compare it to what they were doing now. It was interesting to listen to. I thought of one of my earliest childhood memories, and it was sitting at my own little table and chairs. The TV was turned on in front of my table and for an hour or 1/2(?) I would watch a show called "Art with Miss Shirley". My mom said it was the only time in the whole day that I would sit still!  Miss Shirley was amazing, I thought she could do anything. She would tell me how to use all my crayons, paste, construction paper and scissors to make the most beautiful things I had ever seen. Then as soon as that was off, I had to eat lunch, take a nap and then I would get up and go back and recreate more of what she taught me that day. If it was paper placemats or paper lanterns, I made quite a few more. Then I would give them out to our neighbors or my Aunt and Grandmother.

Now this disc-jockey would probably say to me ...that is why I was a vender at the craft fairs. I entered my first craft show at the age of 12 and did that until in my 30's (when my back finally gave out). I still like to create crafts and gifts today. I guess it would be true in some ways. I never do things one at a time, I always make multiples in case I forget a birthday or something like that. It is a joke in our home, that I can't make just one of anything. When it comes to Christmas, I do tend to get a bit out of control on the gift giving. I guess there could be worse things to be out of control with, right?

I am sorta the same way about letter writing, I know that is a art that is slowly being lost, but as Jeff would say "it's a art that will never be lost as long as Lynn is alive". He also says that I could have stock in the Post Office with all the letters and packages that I mail. He said being married to me is just like... being married to Mrs. Santa! Some how I am not feeling like that is quite the compliment that I think it is. Well,it is true....I love to create things for my loved ones and friends and I don't think anyone can send too many letters or packages. The thrill of getting something in the mail is still a big deal.

So now you know two of my favorite things, creating gifts and writing cards. The next favorite of mine is Christmas time. I am so glad to see all the Christmas in July sales. Not because I am going to buy anything, but because they are already talking about Christmas. I drive my family crazy because I want to play Christmas Carols all year long. I do stop in January or sometimes Feb. But now that it is July, Angie and I are starting to get practiced up on our Christmas songs. I can see my family roll their eyes but,they know there is nothing better than the Spirit of Christmas and the excitement of a little child.

I will leave you with this sweet Christmas Poem about a Christmas Letter and hope that you will remember for just a minute or two, how blessed we are to celebrate that Sacred Season. Also, hopefully this post will also remind you to continue to do something that you love every day and maybe even get out some pen and paper and write a letter!  :) Happy Christmas in July!

"The one good thing about not seeing you is that I can write you letters."  ~Svetlana Alliluyeva


December 4, 2002

Snowflakes softly falling, upon your window they play.
Your blanket is snug around you, into sleep you drift away.
I bend to gently kiss you, when I see that on the floor,
There's a letter neatly written, I wonder whom it's for.
I quietly unfold it, making sure you're still asleep.
It's a Christmas list for Santa; one my heart will always keep.
It started just as always, with the toys seen on TV,
A new watch for your father and a winter coat for me.
But as my eyes read on, I could see that deep inside,
There were many things you wished for, that your loving heart would hide.
You asked if your friend Molly could have another Dad.
It seems her father hits her, and it makes you very sad.
Then you asked dear Santa, if the neighbor down the street,
Could find a job that he might have some food, and clothes, and heat.
You saw a family on the news, whose house had blown away.
"Dear Santa, send them just one thing, a place where they can stay."
"And Santa, those four cookies, that I left you for a treat,
Could you take them to the children, who have nothing else to eat?"
"Do you know that little bear I have, the one I love so dear?
I'm leaving it for you to take to Africa this year".
"And as you fly your reindeer, on this night of Jesus' birth,
Could your magic bring to everyone, goodwill and peace on earth?"
"There's one last thing before you go, so grateful I would be,
If you'd smile at Baby Jesus, in the manger by our tree."
I pulled the letter close to me, I felt it melt my heart.
Those tiny hands had written what no other could impart.
"And a little child shall lead them," was whispered in my ear,
As I watched you sleep on Christmas Eve, while Santa Claus was here.

--- Author Unknown ---


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