Tuesday, July 15, 2014


I am thankful for the chance to be here on earth, at this time...to have these sweet kids in my life!

Truth be told, there's nothing better than being a grandparent. All our elders know this and it is evidenced by that twinkle in their eyes. Of course, they know more than they let on—life's secrets have come to them through time, experience, and patience. ~author unknown

Our grandchildren accept us for ourselves, without rebuke or effort to change us, as no one in our entire lives has ever done, not our parents, siblings, spouses, friends - and hardly ever our own grown children. ~Ruth Goode

"The most precious jewels you'll ever have around your neck are the arms of your children."

"Life is too short to be too busy for the people you love."
" I love you to the moon and back"
Photo: Getting some shut eye on the camping cots at Cabelas with his new backpack.


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