Friday, May 16, 2014

Kindness of Others

Today one of my friends helped someone that she just barely just met. Both are friends of mine. I was so grateful that she would do something so wonderful  for a stranger. I am blessed to have such Christlike friends, who every day are a great example to me. This quote is so true, every act of kindness makes the world a better place!
Good night dear friends!
Have you explored our website? ► Adult ideas and stories of kindness ► Ideas and stories for kids ► Ripple Kindness Project for Schools ► How kindness helps bullying ► The benefits of kindness ► FREE Ripple Kindness Cards ► Worldwide Ripple of Change project ► Suspended Coffee project ► Videos ► FREE printouts ► Great links ► Ripple Store ~~ Please take a look, share and add your kindness story while you're there! - #kindness #payitforward #makeadifference

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