Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Bushel and a Peck

When I was a little girl, we lived in my Aunt's home with her. She never had any children of her own... so needless to say that she was crazy about us, me in particular...because I was the only girl! After my bath and right before I would go to bed, I would go upstairs to say goodnight to Aunt Ina. She would always give me a big hug and tell me she loved me a BUSHEL and a PECK and a HUG AROUND THE NECK. I really knew that Aunt Ina loved me...more than life it's self. How grateful I am for her love. She was an anchor in my life and I will be forever grateful for her.Free Printables for Valentine's Day {I Love You a Bushel and a Peck} ~ 8x10 Print and Notecards | #yearofcelebrations

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