Yesterday I got one of those Christmas gifts that you can't buy and that you could never even have wished for. One of my dearest friends surprised me and came by. I didn't know that she had flown in for a family Christmas and so they took a chance to secretly visit me on their way to the airport. We only got a few minutes but oh what a PERFECT CHRISTMAS GIFT that was. Then for an added bonus, her daughter, new little granddaughter and her husband and son-in-law...all came too! The baby was beautiful as her Mother. How sweet to be able to connect with these dear has been years since we have seen each other. It was really neat and I still am smiling from it! Thank you dear friend, for giving me one of the Best Christmas Gift EVER!!!
"I think as you grow older, your Christmas list gets smaller, and the things
you really want for the holidays can't be bought!"
A few other gifts that can't be bought...
The joy of teaching your grandchildren the importance to giving to Others who are in need, at Christmas time!
Snow for the holidays!
The way the house looks with Christmas lights on at night!
The happiness and curiosity of my grandchildren. Sharing the excitement of a Magical Christmas with them!
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