Thursday, January 17, 2013

My email was hacked!

For all of you that got an email from me about the great results from using Viagra....I am sorry. My email got hacked. I always wondered how that happens when we have so many anti-virus things on my computer still happened. I am so sorry about that, I didn't have any warnings first.
Some people have asked to be taken of my email list, that is fine, but I hope you understand it was just hacked, and not something I definitely would have been a part of. just keeps happening...sometimes good and sometimes bad, but personally I am just grateful every day to still be experiencing ALL of it!
 Life is still Good!
Night dear friends!

" Laugh when you can, apologize when you should, and let go of what you can't change! "

1 comment:

Jean(ie) said...

Darn, I got all excited... Tee hee! Hope today's a good day! Let's get this fog outta here!