Thursday, March 25, 2010

Just do it!

There have been many times in my life where I have wanted to change something about myself or my circumstances, but life just kept happening. I found myself stuck in ruts and behaviors, that didn't make me the best person that I wanted to become. I was overwhelmed by the fact that there were so many issues in my life that I felt I needed to change. When Cancer hit for the first time, I took a long hard look at my life and realized that it was now or was time for me to start changing the things that I knew I needed to change. What was stopping me? I just sorta felt that I have been this or that way for so long, or my situation has been this or that way for so long...I really didn't think I could change all of them.

I remember the day that I was at my friend's house and she was helping me do some research on cancer. I was talking to her about this very subject and I was on the floor crying ( mostly because I was scared of cancer and partly because I felt overwhelmed). I said to her " But how can I change almost every thing about me?" "How can I change everything I am? " Well, obviously I was dealing with some serious issues and feelings, but I wasn't completely a lost cause (like I felt I was). I still can hear her reply..."Lynn, you can change anything you need, you just have to do it one thing at a time." She was an amazing strength and comfort to me that night, and throughout the years. Ok, it does help that she is also a counselor with a whole lot of wisdom, but still basically I think the advice is true for anyone that is stuck in their life. I had to stop a lot of things in my life, so that I could de-clutter my mind and my life. I was good at doing lots of things ( not necessarily important things either), but staying busy so that I didn't have to stop and look at my life or behavior for what it was. By stopping... I had the time to take a good hard look at my life, my time, my habits, my thoughts, and my excuses.

That was a hard time in my life, but one that truly gave me back my life and also my control over my thoughts and decisions, it was empowering to say the least. Now I still have to have time outs in order to check myself, and make sure that I am not falling back into old habits or fears but like anything else ...the only way to truly change your life is to 1st ...recognize the need to change and 2nd... to just DO IT!

I hope by sharing this, it will help someone out there that is struggling with this very same problem.

"When I feel overwhelmed and my stress levels rise, I stop and step back from the situation and put the even in perspective. I always ask myself - what difference will this make in five years time? "   ~ Catherine Pulsifer

I loved this quote, good question to ask ourselves. If we don't do anything or try to change... then where will we be in 5 years? Will our life and the lives around us, be better or worse? Tough question but, we need to be asking them!

Just Do It

Author Elbert Hubbard told the story of an incident during the Spanish-American War. It was imperative that the president get a message to the leader of the insurgents. His name was Garcia and he was known to fighting somewhere in the mountains of Cuba, but no mail or telegraph could reach him. Someone said, "There's a fellow by the name of Rowan who will find Garcia for you if anybody can." Rowan took the letter without hesitation. He sealed it in a leather pouch strapped over his heart. He landed in the dark of night off the coast of Cuba and make his way to the mountains, and after much difficulty, found Garcia. He handed him the letter, turned around and headed home. Hubbard tells this story in "A Letter to Garcia." Rowan didn't ask, "Exactly where is he?" or "I doubt if I can do it." There was a job to be done and he did it. Instead of making a dozen excuses why you can't complete the task, think about Rowan. Deliver the goods!   ~ Author -Neil Eskelin/Elbert Hubbard

"When you do nothing, you feel overwhelmed and powerless. But when you get involved, you feel the sense of hope and accomplishment that comes from knowing you are working to make things better." ~ unknown

1 comment:

Carolyn Cox said...

I really needed to hear that today. We had a speaker at a church activity last night, and there were many things that made me feel inadequate. I need to remember that I too can change, but just one thing at a time. Thanks!