Wednesday, September 9, 2009

The glad game

One of my favorite movies is Pollyanna, my kids just tease me because they think it is so corny but I think deep down they really like it. I love it because Pollyanna even though her circumstances weren't the best ...she seemed to find the good in everything. Life is tough and there is truly a lot of things that can make you discouraged and depressed but once again, it is our choice on how we want to handle each day and each circumstance.

I receive through my e-mail  inspirational thoughts and offers for books and movies from Mac Anderson the founder of Simple Truths. Here is summary of a book they are now promoting, it went along with my theme tonight so I thought I would share it with you. I hope it makes you want to start playing The Glad Game...right away!

Play the Glad Game...

In her wonderful book, The Wealthy Spirit, Chellie Campbell describes how, when she was a girl, her mother taught her to play "The Glad Game." On days when Chellie came home from school complaining about something - a bully on the playground, a harsh teacher, a skinned knee, or difficult homework - Chellie's mom would hug her, kiss away her tears, and then suggest, "OK, enough complaining. Let's play 'The Glad Game.'"
"The Glad Game" is another name for a Gratitude List. The Glad Game helps you focus on what's right in your world today, instead of what's wrong. Chellie's mom was a very wise woman, teaching her that no matter what your troubles, there are still plenty of things to be grateful for: a sunny day, good food to eat, a loving family, a house to live in, a family pet to love, a handful of friends to enjoy, and much, much more.
Chellie would follow her mother's suggestion:
"I'm glad I have you as my mom."
"I'm glad the weekend is almost here."
"I'm glad I have some nice clothes to wear to school."
"I'm glad I don't have to share my room with my sister anymore."
"I'm glad I get to watch TV when I finish my homework."
"I'm glad we have pie for dessert."
Playing "The Glad Game" is a terrific way to change your attitude in a hurry. We all slip into self-pity once in a while - after all, we're only human. The important thing is to cut the pity-party short and shift into gratitude. An attitude of gratitude will get you much farther in life than complaining and self-pity. Try it and see.
This is one of many short chapters in Learning to Dance in the Rain...The Power of Gratitude.
Dancing in the rain isn't something that most of us are born knowing how to do. We learn it. We learn it from others; we learn it from Life. The more we dance, the better we get at it. With practice, dancing in the rain becomes almost automatic. We no longer seek to run from storms...instead, we toss back our heads, throw out our arms, pick up our feet, and DANCE!

"Maybe you are here on earth to learn that life is what you make it, and it's to be enjoyed."
Dick Sutphen

"The art of being happy lies in the power of extracting happiness from common things."
- Henry Ward Beecher (1813-87)

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