They even put little birds in the window! :)
So fun to watch them pretend!
Ellie got a new jacket and headband for Memorial Day!
Miss Josie got a new outfit too! I knew I should have been making outfits a long time ago...just in case they ever got into dolls! But we had fun picking out fabric from my stash and Angie was reading the pattern to me the whole time. She is learning!
I ask the girls to write down or draw about what they heard in church yesterday.
Jenny was trying to draw the people up front that were speaking, but it was too hard she said...so she just drew a Monkey family in church speaking instead! Love it!
Jeff spoke in church yesterday, so Angie drew him speaking. She even put creases in his jacket! Amazing!
Then we got up early this morning to go to the Memorial Day Breakfast and Ceremony, that we had at church. I am so glad the girls went with us and learned about all the sacrifice that the Service men and women have given and still give for our freedom.
As young as they are, they still seemed to be touched!
Then a dear friend of mine and her litle boy came over to visit for a bit. I am teaching her how to crochet, and he played blocks with the girls! He is too cute!
After dinner, we celebrated Jeff and Amy's Birthday early...since we were all together. Jeff's birthday is Weds. and Amy's is just 3 days later. They have really celebrated many birthdays together and they really don't seem to mind! We put 9 candles and the candle number 1 on their cake. Because between them they have 91 years together! That was my idea :)
Like Father like Daughter... they both love to sing and enjoy music!
Audrey helped them blow out the candles!
Presents time...Audrey helping out again! More craft supplies for Amy... she is alot like her Mother too I guess! Look at that happy face!
Here is what it looks like, when you picked out the right gift!
Audrey had to help Poppa too!
It was a fun weekend. Lots of creating and celebrating. I am grateful for both!
Good Night dear friends!
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