I am trying to count my blessings at the same time, being aware of how my body is doing or not doing. She did a throat culture because of how red mine was, my nose was irritated from allergies, my ears are hurting and I have a constant headache. I totally thought it was because of my glasses but after having them adjusted a couple of times, the headaches were still there. She said I hate to tell you " it's not your glasses, it's your sinuses and the allergies that are hurting your head so bad".
So I got a few more things to help with my sinuses and came home and sewed for the next few hours.
Today my daughter-in-law Krystal and our grandson Kai were flying in to go to her brother's Graduation. Her family lives in Yakama and they just usually pick them up from the airport and head back home, because they still have a 3 hour drive to her home. I called Krystal and asked if there might be any way that we could just come by the airport or meet for lunch somewhere close for just a quick bite...so we could see them for just a moment. We haven't seen them since Christmas, and this Nana and Poppa are having Kai withdrawals. I knew it was a lot to ask of her Dad and family, but we kept our fingers crossed. They called and said that would be fine. So I took off drove to Jeff's work and picked him up, and we headed to the Bahama Breeze( a great restaurant near the airport).
So for one hour, we got to see and eat with our Kai boy. Man do I miss this kid! He is just a such a happy boy and a great little eater. It did our grandparent's heart good to be with him ( if only for an hour ). Thanks Jeff and Tracy for sharing this little guy with us!
How grateful I am for family, and how much we love being Grandparents. We are very blessed.
Good night dear friends!

I love this quote...except mine needs to say " he calls me Nana."

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