Sunday, February 24, 2013

Life is too short!

The other day I was really upset about something. I realized that I had let it ruin my day, and then it went into ruining another day. I was shocked that I let that happened. I was disappointed that I didn't let go of it and either deal with the problem or forget it, and go on. Some times when I get upset like that, I begin to fear certain things that MIGHT happen, and I realize that being fearful isn't good either.
 I needed to have this poem ( below ) up on my mirror on days like that. Because all that I have been through, truly teaches me that each day is important. Way more important than the silly little thing that I let get under my skin. I need to remember to change what I can and what I can't change ...let it go!
I will try harder to remember how precious life really is, and not let even one day slip by...because IT IS WORTH IT! 
Good night dear friends!

Life's too short.. #inspirational #quotes

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