I knew the shower was coming up and we really hadn't cleaned up the back yard or planted any vegetables for the Spring. We did manage to get in flowers on the front porch and they do look great, if I do say so myself.
So I thought the night before the Shower, that if I got some plants and soil and stuff for them, that I could get it all planted the day of the Shower. My thought was that we could actually even hold the Shower on the deck, the weather would be perfect for it. I just wanted my yard and poor little garden to look like someone cared.
That day Jenny and Angie were over and they love planting and working in the garden with me, so I really wasn't alone. Even the kids pitched in at one point, (probably because they thought I was going to be in no shape by the Shower if they didn't help).
Well, with every one's help, we got it done. It looked great, and I could just see how fun and beautiful it was going to be for the Shower, except I forgot one thing!!!! ONE BIG THING! I had to put COMPOST which had fertilizer in it, and so the smell was awful! As soon as you walked out on the deck, you almost felt like you could lean over the railing and see the cows and chickens...at least that is what it smelt like. We laughed about it sooooooooooooo hard. How could I over look something that BIG? I really did see that going differently in my mind? I had the best intentions. Long story...short? We didn't go outside or even open in of the back windows or doors. The Shower went fine... but for the next few days, we didn't really enjoy how beautiful my flowers and plants looked on the deck on in the back yard, because we couldn't stand the smell! I love farms but...this was ridiculous!
Good night dear friends!

"Everyone is trying to accomplish something big, not realizing
that life is made up of little things." - Frank A. Clark
"A life spent making mistakes is not only more honorable but more useful than a life spent doing nothing."- George Bernard Shaw
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