Monday, June 18, 2012

5 regrets of the dying

This was such an interesting article...
The link for it is   here:
It tells you what dying people's regrets are. It is an article written by a nurse who works with people in the last few weeks of their lives. Like Hospice I guess. I still can remember the Hospice workers that were there for my Mom, what ANGELS they were. So this article was interesting for me, and I believe the regrets are true for most people. Take a moment to read it, and hopefully it will be a reminder to us all of what really is important! What a great thing to read now, when we AREN'T dying!
The top five regrets of the dying
Good night dear friends!

1 comment:

Jean(ie) said...

I learned a lot one night in my life. As I was holding my father's hand, letting him know that it was okay to go, I was thinking to myself what I would regret had it been my last day living with gravity.

It changed my life.

I'm so blessed with the fact that I got this lesson while living. I just hope I remember it and live accordingly as I get older.

The one in the article about happiness being a choice is so true... So very, very, true.