I went in for my Physical Therapy at 9:00 this morning. For some reason the swelling has gotten worse. I am not sure why? I didn't lift anything the last couple of days so I am not sure why it is hurting this much. My Physical Therapist was as puzzled as I was. She is going to talk to the oncologist tomorrow and see if he knows why the swelling keeps coming back, so we have an appointment on Friday. She also is looking into getting a compression sleeve that also has a compression piece for the chest wall. The down fall is that it will have to be done once a day for an hour or so. I just smiled when she said that,because I already have a couple hours worth of stuff that I am suppose to be doing to help this poor old body every day, why not an another thing to do on! :) Pretty soon as soon as I get up and do all the exercises, massages and etc, then it will be time to do the ones that I need to help me go to sleep. I have got to try to have more of an exciting life. I know all of you envy me but...DON'T !
In all seriousness, I am sure things will work out. I was able to go to some of Lee's baseball game today and it was sunny outside too, that was a double blessing. I can't forget to count all of them. I found a quote today that went right along with my baseball theme. "PROGRESS ALWAYS INVOLVES RISKS. YOU CAN'T STEAL SECOND BASE AND KEEP YOUR FOOT ON FIRST" ~ Frederick Wilex
So I need to remember that... compared to 9 months ago, I have made great progress. I can go out in public and not feel so self conscious about my looks, I can enjoy some normal thoughts with out every one being bombarded with a new fear. I am starting to dream...just a little bit...but I am dreaming again. I am being able to serve a bit more and that feels wonderful. I am growing in ways that I am sure I never would, had I not experienced this trial. It has been worth the risk to make it to second base (beating cancer for a second time). I will keep trying, keep believing that life will get better and most importantly...trust in the Lord and in His timing and in His plans for me. Patience, not an easy virtue!
Thanks for being my cheering section, it means more than you will ever know! Good night!
"Things could be worse. Suppose your errors were counted and published every day, like those of a baseball player." ~Author Unknown
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