Saturday, January 2, 2016

Happy New Year 2016

Today Jeff, Lee, Caitlin and I went to Mukilteo Lighthouse and the beach and Ferry.
Caitlin has never been to Washington and so we wanted to show her how beautiful it is!

We didn't get off till late today but made it just in time for the most beautiful Sunset!

We couldn't stay too long because it was sooooo very cold. About 33 degrees out and getting colder as it got darker.

I think even though 2015 was good, that 2016 is going to better. I just need to make sure that I keep going, moving and stretching myself. This is the year of starting LynnMade... so we have lots to look forward to!
Did I tell you that I think Washington is the most beautiful place on earth? It is or at least one of the most beautiful places to live!
Happy New Year dear friends!

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