16 years ago today my Mother passed away. She had been real sick for months and we thought for sure that in September that would be our last few days with her. She held on for as long as she could, but on December 3rd around 8:30 am she took her last breath. I still am grateful that I was able to fly home in time, to be with her as she left for the other side. It was scary, it was inspiring, it was spiritual, it was a blessing and a loss like I have never felt before. It was truly Bittersweet!
I won't write more tonight other than to say...I am grateful for my Mother. She and I had been through many of the same experiences in our lives, and so that made our relationship complicated to say the least. But oh how I loved her!
I can't wait to see her again and start another new and better life with her. So grateful for the knowledge that God lives, that Jesus Christ truly did come to this earth to be our example. And for the gift that He gave us to live again!
Many people thought it was so sad that my Mom died when it was Christmas time. But I think that this is a blessing, because it is the most Wonderful Time of the Year! Knowing about the Christ child and His life and Mission, make Eternity not so far away! Which means, I will be with my sweet Mother again some day!
Good night dear friends!

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