Saturday, October 18, 2014

Making More Memories!

Angie was off school yesterday and today, and so you know what the means...she was hoping to come to my house and spend some time. I was excited all week for the girls to come (and of course Amy too) and spend the whole day and evening together. Amy helped me in redecorating my room, we made some projects in my sewing room, had Christmas music playing throughout the house ( that was totally my idea...but in my defense, it is my house ) and had homemade Pumpkin Butter cooking in the crock pot. Yes, it was a day of fun, creating and hopefully many memories!
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Angie is 8 and I wonder how many more years she will want to come to Nana's house on her days off? Maybe not too many more, so I feel like when they all come over that I want to make as many memories as we can. And that is exactly what we did today, it was so much fun!

 I meant to say and we watched a movie ! It's late and I am pretty tired, happy ...but tired!
We let Amy and John go on their Date Night tonight, while we watched the girls. Audrey was pretty funny and I was lucky to get some fun photos of her and her baby! In case you haven't read my other posts and wonder why this is such a big deal? It is because her 2 older sisters never really liked dolls much, they totally prefer Dinosaurs! That's why this was such a big treat tonight to watch her rock, sing to, pray with and feed her sweet baby!

So it was a great day. I wish that Kai lived closer so we could have lots of Memory Days like this. Well, we did have some of those when he was here for 2 weeks, but his Nana still misses him!
I am grateful to be a Nana, never thought I could love anyone like my own children...but I do!
Going to bed with a grateful heart that I have this time with my sweet grandchildren. Yes, I am very blessed and I hope these Memories will stay in their hearts for years to come!

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