Sunday was the day our little children at church had a program. It is what they share with their parents and the rest of the congregation about what they learn for the year. They did such a great job and it is was fun to see the proud faces of the families in the audience.
We had a treasure box that I had about 20 ribbons tied on. So we told the kids that we had a special surprise for them. We let them know that each time they practiced hard on their songs, that the music director would cut one of the ribbons. The goal was to have them all cut off before the day of the program, so they could see what their surprise was. They were sooo excited.
We decided to use the Rainbow theme since the Treasure Chest was the an important thing for them. Here is what the room looked like ( thanks to my family, and friends for all their help ). The kids were soooooo excited... and I think they felt well rewarded for all of their hard work!
I was so proud of them!
I love those little guys, they seem to teach us as much as we teach them!
Good night dear friends!
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