Wednesday, December 5, 2012

What Christmas can be about for kids!

Like the movie on Miracle on 34th Street.... I believe! It was perfect when Lee brought me home this wooden sign, for an early Christmas gift the other day!
It made me think of all the ways Christmas can be wonderful for our kids. I love this video that you can watch ...
It is a great reminder on what Christmas can be like for our kids. In a world where it is GET,GET,GET...I think we can instill in them the desire to GIVE,GIVE,GIVE!  One tradition that Angie and I have done since she was old enough to understand, is to make and buy gifts to take to the homeless. There are quite a few stores that have drop off boxes, and they take and deliver them to the kids in need. It makes my heart feel good to see how excited Angie gets to make and wrap these gifts to look beautiful for the little kids that have so much less than her. I hope that Jenny will be able to start that tradition soon, and  even Kai when he gets older. I love Christmas, I love the feeling in the air! Yes, this home truly believes!
Good night dear friends!

“Christmas magic is silent. You don't hear it---you feel it, you know it, you believe it.”

Kevin Alan Milne, The Paper Bag Christmas

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