Thursday, November 15, 2012

Can I ever be completely healed?

I was speaking in a Women's Group the other night and afterwards one of the ladies came up and asked me " do you think it is possible to ever be completely healed from Abuse ... in this life?"
My first question in my mind was "what does she mean by completely healed? Then she went on to say that one counselor said she never could be. Personally I probably wouldn't be going back to that counselor any time soon! Why? Well, how would it make you feel if some counselor or any health professional told you that you will never really be healed from Abuse? Having been a survivor of Incest, I can tell you that I have actually heard that from a health care professional and instantly, I knew instantly that he was wrong, and that I wouldn't be going back to him.
It has been over 40 years since my abuse.
 Do I still remember it...yes, very clearly, does remembering keep me from healing? I don't think so.
 Do I ever have things that trigger bad memories or fears from the past? Yes, indeed but not very often, and as soon as I do, I go straight into my counselor and learn how to deal with triggers and how to go on with life.
 Does having triggers mean I am not healed? Absolutely NOT!  It just means that it was a very traumatic experience and so there for, when something becomes a flash from the past and the fear sets in...then I know right away, I have to get ahold of my thoughts and readjust my vision. Perspective is a WONDERFUL thing! When I get scared or something really upsets me, then I try to see it for what it is. I try to remember to Stay In The Present and enjoy each day.
So I guess we all might have different ideas of healing. I believe that the greatest way to heal is through the Savior's love. That is exactly why He did what He did, so that He would help and comfort us, for He truly knows what we feel. I read an article years ago and it was written by a nurse, and I can't find that exact article but in the article she gave steps to healing and talked about what an Art it is to do.
Step 1. Proverbs 1:7   Where it reminds us to trust in the Lord with all our hearts and He will direct our paths
Step 2. 1 Peter 1:7    We are told that trials and experiences in life, should be worth more than gold itself. Why? Because the lessons that we learn from our trials and experiences are hard, but oh so worth it. Some of the hardest things in life, bring the sweetest knowledge and bless our lives!
Step 3. Matthew 11:28-30  Here the Savior begs you and I to come unto Him and that He will give you rest. He will help you carry your burdens or load, you don't ever have to carry it alone ... unless you choose to
Step 4 Luke 18:12    It is important to remember that NOTHING is IMPOSSIBLE for the Lord!
Step 5 Matthew9 :35-38   The Savior who is the Master Healer himself was the great example for us
 I found another article about the art of healing and have the link below
Step 6 Revelation 21:3-4 I love this scripture, it is where the Lord promises some day, that no matter what happened in our lives... that He will make it all right and personally wipe away our tears!

I found another article on the same topic, you can read it here:
So back to our original question... Can I ever be completely healed?  My answer is Yes and No, like I said depending on your opinion. I believe my whole life I will have to struggle to get rid of some of the residue from my past. I am grateful that I am enjoying a full and happy life. No longer  being fearful, but now having a excitement about the future is part of being HEALED I believe. I believe that Healing is a life long process and that is isn't a one time thing!
Well, it's very late and I need to head to bed, good night dear friends!


Anonymous said...

All great verses Lynn! And I would chime in and say yes, you can be healed. No, the memories wont' be erased. But God can remove the burden of the past so that we can live full & joyful lives today. Jesus made blind men see & lame men walk. Not everyone is/was healed physically because God has a purpose in mind that is greater than the things of this life. But we don't have to carry the emotional burden & we will all be physically healed in heaven.

Jean(ie) said...

I agree with Anita. The healing is the peace you make with the traumatic incident, choosing to move forward, and sending the burden to God.

Jean(ie) said...

P.S. I think this applies to any traumatic situation that we live with. I had to share this with my facebook friends.


Lynn said...

Ditto, dear friends. Aren't we blessed to truly understand what healing means and by what means it can come to pass! Thanks!