Today in church, one of the lessons was about How Strong our Faith is?
The teacher told us that her
friend from college lost her four year old son last month due to complications of a near drowning accident. She has been an example of strength and faith for all to see. This last week, she posted the following statement on her blog:
“As the past 5 weeks have been challenging for me and my family they have been more beautiful than ever. I’m not even sure how that is possible, as our hearts are often so heavy. However, I feel more love, care, strength and companionship from my Heavenly Father than ever before in my life. I have a burning deep within my soul of gratitude for that which he has done, is doing and will do for me and my family. My faith and love for him is strengthened more and more each day.”
“With that said, I would feel so ungrateful to my Eternal Father and my Savior if I didn’t take time to share some of the many things I am grateful for during this sacred holiday of Thanksgiving.”
“I am grateful for a testimony that my Father in Heaven lives. That he knows me personally. That he loves me and will never forsake me. I have so much gratitude for him that he was selfless enough to allow his beloved son, my Savior Jesus Christ, to come to this Earth and atone for each one of us. That he loved each one of us enough to sacrifice his only begotten son for each one of us. I’m amazed and grateful at his strength, that he did not take that bitter cup from my Savior, as in the end it felt too much for him to bear. I’m sure that was a difficult thing for him to endure, but I’m so grateful that he was strong enough to not take that bitter cup from him as he pleaded for it to be removed.”
“I am grateful that my Savior, and brother, Jesus Christ was willing to atone and die for me so that I could return to live with my Father in Heaven once again. To ensure that we could all live with our Eternal Families after we have proven ourselves worthy. I’m so grateful that he took that bitter cup upon himself for me. That he endured immense pain and sorrow so that my burdens may be lifted from me.”
“I am beyond grateful that families are eternal. What a beautiful blessing and promise that is. I have a strong conviction in my heart to live my life worthily so that I may one day with loving arms embrace my handsome son again and have my family together again. I know this day is not far away, it just seems so in this Earthly life. I look forward to this day!
“I am grateful for the power of prayer. Prayer is truly an amazing thing. What a wonderful opportunity to pour out your heart to your Father and be completely understood. To be able to commune with him whenever and wherever you are. It is because of the power of prayer that my family has been strengthened through our loss of our son. The strength and lifting power that comes from prayer is a beautiful thing. The power of prayer is real and it is amazing!
“I am grateful for the companionship of the comforter. With that I am grateful that I am worthy of his presence, peace, strength and guidance. I have never felt his presence so strong and so real in my life. Without his constant companionship I know that this trail would be unbearable. “
“I am so grateful that my Father in Heaven loves me and my husband so much, that he trust us enough, to give us this difficult trial of losing our son. That he has so much faith in us that he would allow us to bear this burden and know that we will become better for it. I know that he will not give us more than we can bear. I am amazed that he thinks so highly of us that he would entrust us to endure this and know that we will be better because of it. If he things so highly of us, and loves us so much, then I know that with him, we will be better because of his refiner’s fire.”
“I am amazed and grateful that my Father in Heaven loves me so much that he would send me one of his chosen angels to raise for 4 precious and wonderful years. With that I am also grateful that my son would choose me to be his mother on this Earth. I am so moved by this. I know that my son is a chosen son of God, and that he has much more important work to do than this Earthly life could allow him. I am beyond grateful that I was able to have him make me a mother and to be his mother for eternity.”
What an amazing example of courage, strength and faith, my prayers go out to this sweet family and this amazing Mom!
Good night dear friends!
1 comment:
What she said about prayer is so true. And it is the the most intimate gift to give someone. What is more intimate than a conversation with our maker? So precious!
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