Basically 22 years ago they were in an air plane crash and he was seriously injured, you can read more from part of the article below or go to the link to read it all.
The highlights of inspiration for me were these points..
--We all will have moments that matter in our lives, the point is we have to be in the right frame of mind to see them.
--We have learned at our age, if we wake up without any aches or pains...we must be dead!
--Where we want to go and where the Lord end's up taking your in your life, may be two separate places, His choice is better.
--I had help near the end, I knew I was no longer in control of the plane, had I been we probably would have landed in a different place and died.
--Miracles are real and there are many through out our lives happening each day, though we may not recognize them.
--We realized that God is an active part of our lives
--My answers to why this happened, didn't come immediately but they did come and they taught us great lessons
--We now realize that God knows best
--We seem to know grow more when we are under stress and strain.
--Obedience to God's commandments can be a huge blessing in our lives
--After the accident our priorities changed quite a bit
At the end they both said "May the moments in your life, be moments with God, because He is in control!
What a neat meeting. What a neat testimony to having faith and hope. Just what I needed tonight. Hope you enjoyed it too! Good night dear friends!

“There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.” ― Albert Einstein
Miracles fell like flakes of snow as Bramwell sat strapped in his pilot seat, hurled about 50 feet from where his twin-engine plane had crashed.
His face was shattered, his ribs and teeth broken, his lungs pierced.
Amazingly, his wife, Linda, walked away from the crash, down a hill to a road where she ran into Weyerhaeuser crews working in the area. Within two hours Bramwell was air-lifted to Harborview Medical Center.
He looks back now at the crash, and knows all odds were against survival.
His plane spun crazily out of control as it dropped 5,000 feet, blown from the sky by a monstrous downdraft.
"The odds of surviving the stall were 10,000-to-1," Bramwell said. "Then my wife came up to try to help me and saw through a hole in the clouds the side of a mountain we were headed for. I never would have seen it."
After 20 minutes of full-powered flying through clouds and mountain tops, the six-passenger Piper Navajo ran out of gas. Bramwell was gliding the plane as it broke through the clouds over a forest near Enumclaw.
He went for a clear-cut area. The plane slid through a freshly cut area, stopping as it hit a stump. Luckily, it missed larger trees and stopped before it cartwheeled down a steep ridge.
"Most people who crash in the mountains in the snow aren't found for quite a while," Bramwell said. "The Weyerhaeuser people weren't supposed to be working there that day. We were the recipients of a miracle."
Bramwell had to start over. He set goals, many known only to him. Surgically, his face was rebuilt, new palates, eye sockets, sinus cavities. He left the hospital with 13 plates in his head.
"I remember walking out of intensive care after two weeks and realizing how good it was to smell fresh air," he said. "I've tried to appreciate things more. You do that when you have a second chance."
Bramwell set a goal of making it to last year's Rose Bowl. Although the process was painful, he said being in Southern California around the team was therapeutic. Then he wanted to be back at work for spring practice.
For weeks, he couldn't stand up long enough to perform the most simple operation.
"Fatigue and focus, those were my concerns," he said. "Could I concentrate long enough at the task at hand?"
He practiced surgery like he had catching passes as a kid. Then he assisted in operations. Finally he was ready.
"There was never a doubt in my mind he could do it," Brunell said of the operation. "I was very glad he was there."
So were a lot of others, including the doc himself.
Got the information HERE:
1 comment:
Miracles happen every day. Each day we wake up and start our day. That in itself is a miracle.
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