Today dear friends of ours, had their baby boy! How excited we are that he made it here safe and sound. It made me remember what we felt like when we had Brad. Our first was Amy and so to have a boy was different and exciting. This poem below (that someone wrote for their son), describes little boys pretty well. Congratulations to our dear friends, who we know will love this little boy and who will be incredible parents!!!
A little boy is like the sun.
The warmth of his smile lights up your day.
He rises in the morning, foggy from sleep,
And as the sun's rays become stronger,
So your day becomes brighter with his presence.
He is like the last ray of sun in the evening,
Reaching out to grasp the day and hold onto it.
Bedtime comes too soon for little boys.
A little boy is like the rain.
His love is showered upon you in so many ways.
A bouquet of crushed Dandelions is presented to you like precious Roses.
A shiny rock becomes a jewel in your eyes because a little boy says,
"Isn't it beautiful Mommy?"
And two small brown arms encircling your neck
And a small voice whispering, "I love you",
Becomes a highlight in your day.
A little boy is like the earth.
Sometimes soft as the sugar sand at the beach, easily penetrated.
Sometimes hard as soil untilled, belligerent
And bossy with a mind of his own.
A little boy is like the wind.
Boisterous and full of mischief as the wind before the rain.
Gentle, as the soft breath of a spring breeze.
Soft and warm as the wind wafted in summer
And tough and blustery as the stormy winds of winter.
Roll sun, wind, earth, and rain into one form and that form will be a boy.
A gift from God. ~Carol Bouche' Ottlinger
"A child fills a place in your heart that you never knew was empty"
"A perfect summer day to a little boy means, a scrape on the knee, mud on his face and collecting bugs in garden."
"I am a child of God"
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