Friday, February 4, 2011

Double Blessing Day!

  Well, I am worn out but all for good reasons. Today was my day to teach at the Quilt Shop. We had a great turnout and a whole lot of fun. You know, I probably have said this before but I am sorta like Superman...(stay with me on this) he gets his energy from the sun, and I get my energy from being with people! I just love making new friends and reconnecting with old ones, it doesn't get much better than that!  It is always a treat to go and show all the ladies a new project, something that is quick and easy, something that they can go right home and make. It is a highlight of my month. I get to teach the same class again this coming Weds. so I am looking for it. The opportunity to be able to teach is quite a blessing in my life, especially when you think how I have spent most of my time the last couple of years. Most of it was... going in and out of the hospital, Doctor's office, Physical Therapy appointments or home resting and trying to heal ...yes, it is nice to get out and be with others! And what better place to meet than in a Quilt Shop?  :)

Rosette 2

   "The desire to create is one of the deepest yearnings of the human soul. No matter our talents, education, backgrounds, or abilities, we each have an inherent wish to create something that did not exist before."Everyone can create. You don't need money, position, or influence in order to create something of substance or beauty."Creation brings deep satisfaction and fulfillment. We develop ourselves and others when we take unorganized matter into our hands and mold it into something of beauty."  ~Dieter F. Uchtdorf

  The next blessing I had today actually happened tonight, Jeff and I went with some friends of ours, to a class on STRENGTHENING YOUR MARRIAGE. The teacher was amazing, and it really was very informative too. I think one of the most important things I learned tonight was...We need to always be willing to keep up the maintenance on our marriages, just like anything else we have our cars, our homes and ext. it is important to keep them up and maintain them, but how often we forget to do that with our marriages. It  was the little things that made us fall in love in the first place, and yet it seems like the little things are the ones that get put on the back burner and forgotten about or neglected, throughout the years. Marriage takes work and weekly connections, to keep it healthy and running. We learned it is important to always take the time to make our marriages not only work, and not only survive... but THRIVE and be something that brings us great JOY!

  The teacher challenged us to do two things this week as our homework...

1. To start having regular and weekly date nights ( just time alone, focusing on each other, and tuning out the rest of the world for that time period).

2. To sit down and honestly ask each other these two questions ...WHAT DO I DO WELL? and WHAT CAN I DO BETTER?  Remembering to be nice and honest, because he is going to ask  you the same questions next! 
His point was we need to trust our companions and realize that what they tell us is important. We need to do all that we can do to make our marriages the best that they can be.

There was a whole lot more but I will share that another time, but for today...I feel grateful for my double blessings!

"Life isn't about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself."  ~ George Bernard Shaw

"There is only one happiness in life, to love and be loved." George Sands

"Marriage, ultimately, is the practice of becoming passionate friends." Harville Hendrix

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