Monday, January 11, 2010


I was talking today to some dear friends of mine, we had mentioned that some times when you go to someone's home or visit their blog, that you feel a bit of envy, for what you don't have. I usually do pretty good in that area but some times I slip up. It doesn't take much to snap me back to reality when I think of all the blessings I  do have. We reminded ourselves that when we are feeling envy, that it actually keeps us from focusing and appreciating what we do have.

Jeff and I went to a movie the other night and one of the main points in the movie was to make you think about this question ....If you only had a few minutes to get out of your house because of a fire or something ....what would you take? In the story the girl realized that the guy she loved and was dating, cared more about his possessions than her, that was a sad realization but also life altering for her. She realized exactly what was more important and finally tried to let go of her old habits and thoughts, and live in the here and now. To have healthy thoughts and to ask herself that same question...What would you take if you only had a few minutes to get out of your home? 

I hope we will try and remember not to be envious about what others have but take a good look at what we spend our time and money on...that is where are heart is!  There will always be someone better off than you in the world and yet there will always be someone less fortunate than you too! Service seems to help with so many things, maybe the transformation happens when we stop worrying about ourselves so much and start worrying about others.

This poem went right along with my thoughts tonight. Enjoy and good night!


Supposing today were your last day on earth, 
The last mile of the journey you've trod; 
After all of your struggles, how much are you worth, 
How much can you take home to God? 
Don't count as possessions your silver and gold, 
Tomorrow you leave these behind, 
And all that is yours to have and to hold 
Is the service you've given mankind. 

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