Friday, January 20, 2012

Need to remember!

Another dear friend of mine who is also an Empty Nester, wrote to me the other day and talked about how hard your heart hurts when; not only are you Empty Nesters but none of your kids or grandkids live near you. She mentioned that you just get up every day and just keep going, even though your heart is hurting. She also mentioned how grateful she is for the couple times a year she does get to see her grandkids and children.

I quickly realized that I need to just keep going, focus on the positive and most of all …count my blessings! Yes, life is tough but never so bad, that you can’t look elsewhere to see someone even worse off. We really do have lots to be grateful for. Thanks for all of you who have rallied around me and told me that I could do this, silly as that may seem…I needed it and it did help!

So today I kept sewing, Jeff and I went tubing with the kids (well before  you get to excited…I just watched them go tubing and hung out with Jenny mostly ) and then we came home and had a Date Night, which we actually could do every night now if we wanted to.  After tubing, we went to the store when Jeff saw my face getting sad, as I looked at just a few items in the cart, he said “ Just think of all the money we are saving, by only getting a few groceries! “ It made me smile, however I would much rather be pinching my pennies any day and buying a ton of food for the kids at home, but the point was … just be happy and grateful.

Point taken! Good night dear friends.  

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The girl in this photo must have been a True G.R.I.T.S. ( cause we G.irls R.aised I.n T.he S.outh are way more comfortable going barefoot).

I loved this quote and think it said it all… for tonight’s post!

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