Sunday, December 26, 2010

It's the little things!

I just finished reading today the book THE SEVENTEEN SECOND MIRACLE by Jason F.Wright, he is the author of Christmas Jar ( another favorite of mine ). Here  is the summary that is on the back of his book...

   Seventeen seconds can change a life-forever. This is what Rex Conner learned one summer afternoon in 1970 when his gaze was diverted for just seventeen seconds and tragedy occurred. Forty years later the waves of that day still ripple through the lives of many people, including Rex's son, Cole.

   Cole Conner is a patient teacher, and has long shared his father's story with those in need. This fall Cole has invited three struggling teenagers to learn about Rex Conner-- and the Seventeen Second Miracle.

   The teens will hear how Rex remade his life---seventeen seconds at a time---by performing small acts of kindness that sometimes had life-altering consequences. As Cole's students learn, miracles can happen--with a little help from you. When this knowledge is put to a surprising test, what the students discover may transform your world, as it did theirs. A Seventeen Second Miracle could change your life---if you let it.


I thought it was perfect for Christmas this year, that I received this beautiful ornament from one of my dearest friends. It goes right along with this incredible story... of the Seventeen Second Miracle. Once again Jason Wright has written a book that makes you want to do something good for someone ( much like the Christmas Jar ). It doesn't have to be big, remember it's the little things that can, and does change lives. I love this book, I love this ornament, and I love so many of my family and friends who have performed Seventeen Second Miracles for me and my family. This book wasn't a Christmas book, but it certainly could have been! This is what Christmas is all about! I hope you get a chance to read it! Good night dear friends.

“Miracles are a retelling in small letters of the very same story which is written across the whole world in letters too large for some of us to see.” ~ C.S. Lewis

"There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle."     ~ Albert Einstein


Jason Wright said...

How lovely! What a kind review. Thanks for sharing this, Lynn. You made my day :)

Lynn said...

You are more than welcome. I loved the book!