I thought this was a perfect topic since we just experienced Christmas and I am betting, you realized like I did ...that the best part of Christmas had nothing to do with money!
A friend of mine received a book from Hallmark for Christmas called ...SECRETS HAPPY PEOPLE KNOW. I was impressed with one of the quotes that was in there. It was called...
MONEY CAN'T BUY HAPPINESS (really it can't) the cans and cannots of MONEY
$ Money can buy you a bed, but not sleep.
$ Money can buy you books, but not brains.
$ Money can buy you food, but not an appetite.
$ Money can buy you fitness equipment, but not fitness itself.
$ Money can buy surface beauty, but not inner beauty.
$ Money can buy you a house, but not a home.
$ Money can buy you medicine, but not health.
$ Money can buy you amusement, but not happiness.
$ Money can buy you watches and clocks, but not time.
"He is richest who is content with the least." ~ Socrates
I hope after reading this, you will remember the importance of things that money can't buy like...Peace, Happiness, Health, Love and on and on.
I pray each of you had a wonderful Christmas, thanks for being part of our blessings which make us truly RICH!
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