It also made me realize that it is the MOMENTS in life that we really should be taking snapshots of in our minds and hearts. So when life gets so busy, full or demanding...we could close our eyes and remember the sweet little precious memories which make all the difference in the world. Some times there are things that happen and you can't change, but still to remember the good times and times that it seemed like little miracles were happening all around you; has got to be a better way to live.
It is important like this quote said...
"Be nicer than you feel!" I think there are times that even remembering others, can pull us out of a Self Pity Party. I am grateful for those times, those moments, those miracles and those friends.
Just in the last 24 hours I have heard from a friend who is grieving from the loss of her son, I ran into a young Mom and Dad who lost their baby boy a year ago, I had a dear friend tell me that she was diagnosed with Breast Cancer and having surgery today. Another friend told me that she has to go in for more tests and things don't look too well. Another friend shared with me some health issues of members of her family and the list goes on and on. All of these are amazing people with smiles on their faces and they are getting up every day and trying to enjoy the MOMENTS in life. I am sure they have their Bigger Than Me Days, like all of us ( which is fine ) but the point is...they are still going, doing and moving on in their lives. I am always amazed at the resilience of the human spirit. These people are my heroes.
So as I watched that sweet tribute to this dear family's son, it made me realize we need to enjoy the MOMENTS more and be GRATEFUL for each day we get, even the ones with challenges in them.
So grateful for the wonderful examples I have around me each day! I am blessed!
Good night dear friends!

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