Wednesday, April 14, 2010

I love Sunshine!

Today was one of the most beautiful sunny days ever. What a treat it was to feel the warmth of the sun on my face. My granddaughter Angie and I grabbed a  blanket and headed outside. We found bugs, looked at the clouds, listened to the birds and made a whole lot of special wishes, while blowing on wishers. ( dandelions ) I was grateful for the weather, my family and to be healthy enough to enjoy all of it today. Tonight as I was looking up a quote or something about Sunshine, I found this blog it is a blog of a cancer survivor named Paige. It is her story about cancer and how it has effected her life. I was so impressed at such a young age how wise she was. I don't know anything about her current condition, I couldn't find that ...but I will leave with you tonight her sweet spirit that comes shining through in her words. She was an inspiration to me tonight and I thought I would just pass that along!

"The world is as many times new as there are children in our lives."  ~Robert Brault,

Paige: Christmas Wish for a World Without Cancer

December 15, 2009

Paige018My fight with childhood cancer has proven to be quite a journey so far.  With my present so dramatically changed, it also sent a ripple effect into my future.  There is a great deal of uncertainty I have to face, but don’t we all!  I just have a few extra cards stacked against me.  The game’s not over yet.

I have learned a lot in the past couple of years.  I have endured even more.  Though I have sustained some physical and emotional damage, I would like to think that in many ways I emerged as a stronger, more aware individual.  My plans for the future changed along with everything else.  I had different career goals in mind as well as personal goals I wanted to achieve.  I learned that cancer can touch any one of us at any time.  No one is immune, no one is exempt.  Cancer isn’t picky.

Through my journey with cancer, I learned to fight the fight, stay positive, never give up hope, and never lose faith.  I choose to see the beauty in everything, and see each day as a precious gift, never to be taken for granted.  Life can change in the blink of an eye.  I don’t want to miss a thing.  I want no regrets.

It is for these reasons that I made a promise to myself that I would do my part in the fight to find the cure.  I would continue to do my fundraising, raise awareness, and hopefully bring hope to families going through a similar ordeal.  I am hoping that my story will help enlighten others of what it is like for children struggling through a life threatening illness.  I wanted other children to know and take comfort in the knowledge that they are not alone.  It is my wish that my story will raise even a little awareness of the incredibly brave child warriors in our midst.

"While we try to teach our children all about life,
Our children teach us what life is all about."

~Angela Schwindt

"Attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference."  ~Winston Churchill

"The most important thing in illness is never to lose heart."  ~Nikolai Lenin

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