Monday, October 17, 2011

Wedding Letters!

   Now once again I have finished another great book written by Jason F. Wright… called the Wedding Letters!  It was amazing and actually was like a part two, to the Wednesday Letters that he wrote a few years ago. The Wedding Letters took place a generation later. I have said this more than once about Jason’s writing style, but I love that he makes the reader want to get up and do something like change for the better and make a difference. This book was no different. It had the same passion and determination that each generation can get better. A reminder that love conquers all, and that your family is what really matters! 
    Yes, I loved it and would encourage any of you to read it.  I love books that when you are finished them you feel happier than when you started it plus, it gives you ideas on how to help change your own life and relationships for the better. Wow, I would love to know how to write like that, to move people in that way…that would be amazing!

Good night dear friends!




Miracles are a retelling in small letters of the very same story which is written across the whole world in letters too large for some of us to see.”  C.S. Lewis quotes

The word that is heard perishes, but the letter that is written remains.”   Proverb quotes

“A strange volume of real life in the daily packet of the postman.  Eternal love and instant payment!”     ~Douglas Jerrold, The Postman's Budget

“Letters are among the most significant memorial a person can leave behind them.”     ~Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

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