Our Miss Oakley turned one and is into everything, she is spunky and so fun! We get to go see all of them in just 12 days...can't wait!
Our Miss Jenny lost both of her two front teeth just in time for her 7th Birthday and Gator party! She loves to do whatever Angie does, she is great with Audrey.
She loves to create and she crochets all the time. She said the other day " Nana, I am just a Crocheting Machine" And she is!
Brad turned the Big # 30 this year and is doing great with his business.BRAVE THE WOODS, and keeps busy with Miss Oakley and Kai!

We also had Lee and Caitlin's wedding reception here in Kirkland. Caitlin's family came and visited around Seattle and then we all helped get the Women's Club decked out for the reception. It turned our beautiful... of course it did...Amy was at the head of the decorating crew! :) It was fun to see so many friends and family come support these two!
Then in September I flew to Utah!
I got to go to my nephew's wedding! We are so excited to have his sweet wife now in our family!
I was able to get their wedding present ... finished 1 day before the wedding. It took a long time because I had to make it big enough for him and her. He is quite tall! They had a beautiful wedding, and even though it poured on their wedding day and they had Cold Stone surviving Ice Cream at the reception. Definitely a wedding they won't forget!
I got to stay with one of my dear friend and her family. It was funny when I left Seattle it was sunny and beautiful and when I flew into Utah it was cold and rainy. They even had a hail storm which my sweet friend liked!
It was so fun because Lee, Caitlin and Lauren all came to Utah to visit! Oh how I miss my kids!
I also got to see more family and friends, but obviously not everyone like I would have liked.
I hit some Quilt Shops before I left and was able to see some incredible quilts and meet some great people.
When I got home I made thank you gifts to all the shops that I visited! Thought they might need something from LynnMade :)
My sister in law's house is soooo beautiful and it was fun to stay with her and my brother. We got to catch up on a lot of things. Here is part of her backyard, now you can understand why I loved her house...it's even more beautiful!
Since I have been home I have been ...
I am working on my stockings, I am 3 behind!
I finally got my new machine ( now I don't have to carry my machine up and down the stairs for the videos ), only took me 4 months to pay on it! It wasn't very expensive but everything seemed expensive after the wedding this summer.
But it works great and I am busily working away on my next LynnMade online video.
My back has gotten bad since last week, so I am laying low and praying that it doesn't get any worse. It has been a long time since it has been this bad!
I loved this quote when I was having such a bad day with my back!
All in all, Jeff and I have been very blessed . We have a sweet girl that just moved in with us on Sept 1st and it has been fun getting to know her better and helping her out some.
This Tuesday is my 8 year cancer check up! I always get so nervous going to them... and yet I know Knowledge is Power...still I get so scared.
It is just part of life after having Cancer.
I love this quote and try to remember that on Tuesday!
Love all of you and I am so grateful for your love and friendship!

Good Night dear friends!
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